Master's Project/Thesis Seminar (4005-893-01)

Spring 2012
Classes: Mondays 4-6:50pm
Room: GOL-3520 (Golisano College)

Instructor: Richard Zanibbi, Email:, Phone: (585) 475-5023
Office: GOL-3551 (Golisano College), Office hours: Tues. and Thurs. 10am-noon or by appointment

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Research Talk Series

Master's defense announcements are regularly mailed out to the email list. Below is a list of talk series on campus:

Project/Thesis LaTeX Templates and Examples

Prof. Raj has provided a template of LaTeX files for CS Projects available here. This file also contains a LaTeX template for MS Theses as well (another is provided below). You may use this RIT Computer Science MSc Thesis Template (courtesy Amit Pillay)

Additional Examples of CS Projects and Theses

Students may also find examples of previous projects and theses online, through recent student project and thesis web pages, and in the Archive of RIT MSc Theses in Computer Science (RIT Digital Media Library). Example theses and project reports are also provided below.

LaTeX/BibTeX tools

  • GUI LaTeX Environments:
  • Some BibTeX tools (for collecting references, and annotating them):

    Advice on Reading, Writing, and Research

    Additional Resources