CISC 630-01: Foundations of Intelligent Systems (Fall 2015)

CSCI 630-01 Foundations of Intelligent Systems
Department of Computer Science, RIT (Fall 2015)

Instructor: Prof. Richard Zanibbi ( rxzvcs(at) )
  Office Hrs (GOL-3551): MWF 2-3pm (after class), Fri. 10-11am   Lectures (GOL-3455): MWF 1-2pm
Teaching Assistant: Kedarnath Calangutkar (krc9698 at rit dt edu )
  Office Hrs (Grad Lab, GOL-3650): MW 10-11am Tutorials: Fri. 12-1pm (GOL 3000, beside CS main office)

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Calendar Description

An introduction to the theories and algorithms used to create intelligent systems. Topics include search algorithms (e.g. A*, iterative deepening), logic, planning, knowledge representation, machine learning, and applications from areas such as computer vision, robotics, natural language processing, and expert systems. Programming assignments and oral/written summaries of research papers are required. Prerequisites: (CSCI-603 Advanced C++ and Program Design, CSCI-605 Advanced Java Programming, and CSCI-661 Foundations of Computer Science Theory, with B or better in all courses or equivalent or permission of instructor (students who complete CSCI-331 may not not take CSCI-630 for credit)); Class 3, Credit 3 (Fall,Fall)

Course Outcomes

At the end of this course, students will be able to:

  • Discuss the history and implications of Artificial Intelligence research.
  • Describe the attributes of various search techniques and the situations in which they may be used.
  • Describe and apply various techniques for automated learning.
  • Perform logical analysis by hand and through the use of logic programming.
  • Implement standard algorithms for intelligent systems.

Contacting the Instructor

If you cannot make my scheduled office hours and need to talk outside of class, please send email to set up an appointment. I try to respond within 24 hours to emails that I receive between Monday morning and noon on Fridays. Between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening I am often unable to respond until Monday morning. Please be aware that I may be unable to answer emails about course projects and assignments before the deadline if they are received 24 hours or less before they are due.

Teaching Assistant

The course will be supported by a teaching assistant, who will holding weekly office hours in which to discuss course material, including programming in Python and Prolog. The TA will grade assignments and programming projects using keys provided by the instructor; the instructor will grade exams, research writing assignments, and presentations.

Course Text and Resources

The (required) course textbook is Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (3rd edition). Additional resources for Python, Prolog, Academic Writing and previous exams are available through the course web page.

Grading Scheme

Assignments for the course will be completed by individual students. Programming projects and a research project will be completed by groups of two to three students.

  • 25% Assignments (5)
  • 30% Programming Projects (2)
  • 15% Group Research Project: 10% Report (3-4 pages), 5% Presentation (10 minutes)
  • 30% Exams: 10% Midterm Examination (1 hr); 20% Final Examination (2 hrs)


There will be five assignments, which will include a blend of written and (short) programming questions. Assignments will be posted one week before they are due.

Programming Projects

There will be two programming projects to complete, using Python. They will be completed by teams of two to three students.

Presentations and Written Summaries of AI Applications

In the last two weeks of class, students will present applications of AI research in groups of two to three students, and write a brief summary. Topics will be selected from a set provided by the instructor on a first-come, first-serve basis. Presentations will be ten minutes long, including any questions. Groups will also write a three to four page summary on the assigned reading for their group. Students will have an opportunity to respond to instructor feedback on a draft before submitting the final version of their write-up.

Late Policy

For each day a deliverable it late, it will receive a 10% penalty, for up to two days, at which point the submission will receive a grade of 0. Normally, the latest and deliverable can be submitted through MyCourses will be Sunday at 11:59pm after the assignment is due.

CS Common Course Policies Include:

  • Rescheduling an Exam
  • Course Withdrawal
  • Disability Services
  • Academic Integrity