Image Synthesis as Virtual Photography

The camera has long served as a metaphor for teaching three-dimensional graphics in introductory computer graphics courses.  We extend this metaphor to include the complete photographic pipeline as a framework for teaching image synthesis in a second graphics course.

We present the correspondence between photographic processes and the areas of study in image synthesis, and discuss the success of using this framework in an image synthesis course at our university for the past two years.

  • Nan Schaller,  Rochester Institute of Technology (retired)
  • Publications
  • J. Geigel and N. C. Schaller. Using photography as a metaphor for teaching image synthesis. Comput. Graph., 29(2):257–265, Apr. 2005.

  • J. Geigel and N. C. Schaller. Virtual photography: a framework for teaching image synthesis. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Educators program, SIGGRAPH ’04, pages 29–, New York, NY, USA, 2004. ACM.