Automated Blend Shape Creation for Facial Motion Capture

Automated Blendshape Creation for Facial Motion Capture

The purpose of this work is to create a streamlined program for animators to create blendshapes of their face models for facial motion capture projects. Creating animations by manipulation of vertices or creating blendshapes by hand can be a very tedious process and an impractical one since vertex manipulation causes permanent change to the model. Having a tool to assist in the task and quicken the process will enable modelers to focus more on the actual creation of their characters.
  • Victoria Mc Gowen , Department of Computer Science, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Publications
  • Victoria Mc Gowen, Joe Geigel. 2016. "Automatic Blendshape Creation for Facial Motion Capture", In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters (SIGGRAPH '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA.